Welcome to the Anglican Parishes of Lakes and Locks and Central Frontenac
Upcoming Services​​
September 1
15th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Holy Communion
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 11 am Morning Prayer
St. Paul's Westport - 11 am Holy Communion
Septembre 8 (Fr. Blair on Vacation)
16th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Holy Communion
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 11 am Holy Communion
St. Paul's Westport - 11 am Morning Prayer
September 15
17th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Morning Prayer
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 11 am Holy Communion
St. Paul's Westport - 9 am Holy Communion
September 22
18th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Holy Communion
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 11 am Morning Prayer
St. Paul's Westport - 11 am Holy Communion
September 29
19th after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Holy Communion
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 11 am Holy Communion
St. Paul's Westport - 11 am Morning Prayer
October 6 (Fr. Blair returns from vacation)
20th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Mary's Newboro - 9 am Morning Prayer
St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake - 9 am Holy Communion
St. Paul's Westport - 11 am Holy Communion
St. Mary's Newboro. St. Andrew's Sharbot Lake. St. Paul's Westport The Rev Canon Blair Peever
15 Brock Street. 1028 Elizabeth Street 18 Spring Street. fatheblair@gmail.com
Newboro, ON Sharbot Lake, ON Westport, ON (613)328-9861
K0G 1P0 K0H 2P0 K0G 1X0