St. Mary's Cemetery
St. Mary's Cemetery in Newboro Ontario has submitted by-laws to the Registrar of the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act 2002.
By-laws may be viewed or copied below.
These by-laws are subject to the approval of the Registrar, Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act 2002. Telephone: Bereavement Authority of Ontario 1-844-493-6356

Sharbot Lake Christmas Dance

Happy Halloween!!!

St. Paul's Murder Mystery Dinner
Who Did it????

St. Stephen's
Summer 2024

Bob's Lake Anniversary Service
Packed House!

St. Andrew's Golf Tournament

Blessing St. Andrew's Church with 75 years of playing the organ!
Thank you Gary!
Thank you Joyce!

Diocese of Ontario's new ACW vice-president St. Mary's very own Marilyn Benn

St. Andrew's Egg Hunt

Westport Walk of the Cross

Collecting for sock drive in
Westport's St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Mary's Pancake Dinner

St. Mary's
Christmas Sale

Remembrance Day Service
Westport and Newboro

Wonderful evening of music by Jess Wedden and Chris Murphy at St. Andrew's.

Halloween fun in Westport
Over 350 kids enjoyed treats!
Salvador's baptism
St. Paul's October 29th

Parish Potluck
Thanks to St. Mary's for organizing this great event!

Installation Service
Welcome Bishop William Cliff!

St. Andrew's the Fisherman's Bob's Lake 92nd Anniversary Service

Rideau Lakes and Westport Community Service

From St. Stephen's Bedford Mills
Services of Confirmation, reaffirmation and receiving into the Anglican communion with Bishop Michael at St. Mary's and St. Paul's. It was wonderful to have St. Andrew's join the celebration!
For video clip of St. Mary's service check out Micheal Oulton's Facebook page.

Saint Andrew's golf tournament was a huge success! Thanks to all who volunteered and participated!
For more photos of the day check out Parish of Central Frontenac Facebook page.
Newboro Canada Day Parade

St. Mary's Float
Canada Day fun in Sharbot Lake

St. Paul's joined all the churches in Westport to pray for our community at various locations throughout the village.

Spring cleaning at St. Stephen's. All set for first summer service July 5th!

Annual Potluck with the Whole Gang!

St. Paul's Strawberry Social

St. Mary's Plant & Bake Sale

St. Mary's Coronation Tea

Yummy breakfast held by St. Mary's

Happy Easter from:

St. Mary's Newboro

St. Paul's Westport

St Andrew's Sharbot Lake

Good Friday Walk of the Cross in Westport and Sharbot Lake

A fun afternoon learning about and making Ukrainian Easter Eggs
at St. Paul's

Great evening in Sharbot Lake enjoying music by Craig Cardiff

Shrove Tuesday
St. Mary's

Frontenac Heritage Festival Breakfast at St. Andrew's
St. Andrew's February 12th
Keaton's Baptism

Longest Night of the Year 2022

Westport Luminaries 2022

Christmas Dance at Sharbot Lake

St. Mary's Bake Sale

A great Volunteer Crew tackle the water problem in St. Mary's Basement!

Halloween 2022 at St. Paul's
and St. Mary's

Congratulations to the kids of the Westport Arts Council Drama Camp!
They have been working hard all week in the hall at St. Paul's and it paid off with todays wonderful play!
The repointing work at St. Mary's has begun! A little maintenance that is needed every 175 years or so!

New Lay Reader for the Parish of Lakes and Locks.

Robin Jones was vested as a new Lay Reader in St. Paul's on Sunday May 29,2022. Congratulations Robin!
Team Concession Street at the Community clean up day in Westport.

St. Mary's Parishioners participate in the community clean up on a cold April Wednesday morning.